Saturday, January 17, 2009

Did you pass Home Ec?

It's ironic that high schools across the nation cut home ec classes, primarily during the '70s and '80s, presumably as a result of the women's lib. movement.

This situation is ironic because, while some argued these courses placed gender stereotypes on young women, I would argue that these courses taught principles and skills that students could carry with them into multi-billion dollar industries (fashion; textiles; interior design; the food industry; etc.).

Regardless, it looks like home ec courses are making a comeback - at least for grown-ups.

If you can't find a home ec course at a local community college, you can create your own at home with these classic cookbooks - Favorite Recipes of Home Economics Teachers.

Back in the '60s, when home ec courses were in their prime, home ec teachers from across the nation submitted their favorite recipes to publishers, Favorite Recipes Press, to compile this series of books that includes Casseroles, Meats, Vegetables, Salads and Desserts. Each book has more than 2,000 recipes and each recipe cites the contributor, so you're likely to recognize your home town or little towns nearbye. Pretty neat-o.
You can get the entire set or singles from the set at The Cookbook Marketplace.

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