Monday, May 12, 2008

Cooking and Sailing (easier for some)

I was told before we left on our little sailing excursion, that the experience would be a lot like camping.

Naturally, I bought Saltines and peanut butter for my three-day sustenance. This is my own special camping fare, and a diet I highly recommend for anyone who is setting off into the wild blue yonder for any amount of time. A photographer who worked throughout Bosnia in the 90s once told me she lived off peanut butter the whole time she was there. As I'm not at war and just camping, I splurge on the Saltines. (Okay, I bought some Corona Lights too. The amount, however, will remain unknown.)

Much to my surprise, my sailing mates had different plans for what they'd eat while 'camping on a boat.'
While we didn't shower the entire time, we certainly ate well, thanks to our personal chef (a man who can make anything taste wonderful if he only has some garlic.)

Some garlic, chicken, frozen veggies, salt and pepper, and some Dale's sauce made for a super tasty and really healthy dinner. The Corona's may have counterbalanced the health value in the meal, but they were Light....

I'll always love Saltines and peanut butter and carry them with me on any outdoorish excursion, but apparently you can camp on a boat and eat what some might call a 'real dinner,' really well too.

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